Tuesday 18 March 2014

Fantastic Fall Supplements

Fantastic Fall Supplements

Fantastic Fall Supplements
With autumn in full swing, it’s brisk weather and frequent rain a harbinger of colder conditions to come, it’s important to give your body the best fighting chance possible against illness. With sickness more likely in cold weather for a range of different reasons, supplementing certain vitamins and immune helpers can drastically decrease your chance of falling prey to everything from the common cold to strep throat. Which substances best help your body fight off virus’, though? Explored below are a few key fall supplements to help get you through the holiday season unscathed.*
Vitamin D is a pretty high profile vitamin, and for good reason. It plays a role in the functions of every part of the body, from building bones to moving muscles, but one of it’s most prominent jobs is helping the immune system function. Calcitriol, a key component of vitamin D, blocks the chemicals that can wear away and destroy healthy body tissue, and increases production of the cells that prevent ‘autoimmunity,’ or the body attacking its own cells because it’s unable to tell them apart from a negative foreign presence.*
D-25,000, Thorne Research’s vitamin D supplement, is a safe, natural product, and a smart option for anyone who may not get enough sunlight in their life. Dr. Oz recommends 1,000-2,000 IU daily, with higher doses up to 4,000 IU a day for those who live in dark, cold climates.*
Probiotics promote the growth and reproduction of beneficial bacteria and microorganisms in the gut. These good bacteria can assist with digestion, and allow people to get the most out of everything they eat in terms of extracting nutrients. From Integrative Therapeutics, Probiotic Pearls Advantage is an entirely safe, highly potent daily probiotic made to target both digestion and immune health.*
Finally, our somewhat obscure superstar vitamin B12 can enhance mental clarity, and is necessary in the production of new red blood cells.* Deficiency in B12 can lead to anemia, or a shortage of red blood cells, which causes lethargy and increases the risk of contracting illnesses. * Pure Encapsulations’ B12 Folate is a, natural, hypoallergenic B12 supplement, and a good choice for anyone thinking of supplementing it into their diet.

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