Tuesday, 18 March 2014

Two black Nigerian parents had a blonde-haired, blue eyed, white baby!

You’re probably thinking that this is completely impossible, but it actually happened! The husband says he knows that it’s his baby because even if his wife had cheated on him the baby couldn’t look completely white.
In fact if you had never seen the parents, nothing would look odd about the child, then when she’s placed next to her black parents, the blonde-haired, blue-eyed, white baby looks astounding! Genetics experts aren’t entirely sure how this occurred, but they have several theories. T
he first is that the baby has a rare genetic mutation that is entirely unique to her. If this were the case, the gene would likely be passed on to her children. The second theory is that a long dormant white gene was present in one of the parents, which just surfaced now.
The third theory is that she has a rare form of albino in which she didn’t lose all of her pigment, but had a slight genetic mutation. This theory proposes that her skin will likely darken as she gets older!

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