Monday 17 March 2014

A fighter pilot trainee crashed with a passenger jet over Japan. Everyone died except him!

All Nippon Airways Flight 58 was a Boeing airliner that collided with a Japan Air Self-Defense Force fighter jet. On July 30, 1971, the worst air disaster to that date occurred when a Fighter Pilot Trainee collided with a Boeing passenger jet over Japan.
All 162 people aboard the jet died, but the fighter pilot ejected before impact and walked away unscathed.
Yoshimi Ichikawa and his instructor, Captain Tamotsu Kuma, were practicing maneuvers in their F-86 fighters. Since Yoshimi wasn’t paying attention to traffic by the time he encountered the flight it was already too late, therefore he opted for ejecting.
At the time, it was the deadliest air disaster in history; Ichikawa was arrested and charged with professional negligence.

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