Tuesday 18 March 2014

A woman killed her husband over a hand of bridge!

On the evening of 29 September 1929, John and Myrtle Bennett of Kansas City were hosts to their friends Charles and Myrna Hofman for a friendly game of Rubber Bridge.
The Bennetts were well-to-do and lived in a large apartment with Mrs. Bennett’s mother. The Hofmans lived in the same apartment building.
Like so many married couples who are fool enough to play as bridge partners, the Bennetts formed a far from ideal partnership. They were a far from ideal married couple as well, John Bennett being in the habit of slapping his wife during moments of frustration. That night, these factors would combine to bring about Bennett’s undoing.
Myrtle murdered her husband for playing poorly in the bridge game and was found not guilty at court! She then lived a life in which she traveled the world, became a millionaire, and ended up leaving the majority of her estate to her murdered husband’s relatives over 60 years later!

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