Monday 17 March 2014

Cereal commercials use Elmer's Glue instead of milk!

Food stylists have been deceiving consumers all around the world since the first fast food commercials aired on television.
A big Mac looks like a delicious gourmet meal on television - but when you actually buy one it fast food. Why is it so important for the food to look unrealistic and beautiful in commercials?
The appeal of the food in the commercial is the most important part of the commercial. Food stylists need to use a variety of techniques in order to make the food look more appetizing than it actually is.
They aren't really lying to the consumer - just tricking them into thinking that they are looking at something they aren't.
An example of this, is in cereal commercials, the cereal is actually sitting in a bowl filled with glue. The reason for this is because the cereal won't get a soggy look to it after sitting in a bowl for even a brief period of time.
Furthermore, it allows the food stylist to position each piece of cereal in the bowl to maximize the appeal of the food!

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