Monday, 17 March 2014

North Korea has a creative execution that makes you disappear with no trace. Ewwww

It's pretty obvious that North Korea isn't a top-notch vacation destination that we're all clamoring to get to. In case you needed just another reason why you should stay away: Their creative, or horrible, executions, including being blown up with a mortar shell.
Kim Jong-un sent one of his military ministers to the great sleep simply because he was merrily boozing during the official mourning period for his father, Kim Jong-il. Jong-un's orders were pretty explicit: To leave no trace of the minister behind, down to his hair. He stood on a spot as a mortar was zeroed in on his position, and then he was obliterated.
Yet, he was only one of 14 officials that were purged out of history in 2012, with Jong-un believing them to be threats to their great regime. Of course, not all of them got the viciousness and creativity of a mortar shell. Most succumbed to firing squads.
It wasn't long ago that Jong-un executed his own uncle, reportedly via 120 starved dogs. His crimes were spending the government's money, and now his whole family is reportedly paying for it too by being executed as well. Of course, North Korean ambassadors play the story off as their enemy's propaganda.

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