Monday 17 March 2014

Ancient Egyptians had a pregnancy test that predicted the sex of the baby 70% of the time!

Unfortunately for ancient cultures there weren’t drug stores on every corner for them to purchase pregnancy test.
Usually only after a missed period were women able to tell if they were pregnant, but the Egyptians developed an ingenious method to not only tell if they were pregnant but also potentially the sex of the baby!
They did this by urinating on wheat and barley seeds over the course of several days. If the barley grew, a papyrus scroll detailed, it meant that it was a male child.
If only the wheat grew, it was a female child. If neither grew, it meant that she wasn’t pregnant! Sound far fetched? That’s exactly what researched thought when the scroll was discovered.
However they tested it and discovered that it has a 70% success rate! Pretty good for a something that wouldn’t be around again for over 2000 year!

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