Monday 17 March 2014

As of April 2010, Bill Gates had donated $36,854,000,000 in his lifetime! That's more than half of his total net worth! .99

If you had as much money as Bill Gates - be honest with yourself. Would you donate over 36 BILLION dollars, or would you buy yourself at least 25 different types of Lamborghinis?
Well, if you're Bill Gates - you can probably do both of those things as his total net worth is somewhere between $53 BILLION and $58 BILLION. That's more money than you will ever see in your entire life.
Now, we should specify that 'net worth' isn't actually how much money he has in his bank account, but it's more how much him and all of his assets such as shares in companies are worth. Think of it as if he were to sell everything he owns, how much money would he have in his bank account?
A large portion of his charitable donations are for universities and colleges to give as bursaries to students that excel above and beyond, but for an entire breakdown of what he has donated to - click the source!

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