Tuesday 18 March 2014

In 2012 there were multiple cases of the Bubonic plague in the US!

The Bubonic Plague or "Black Death" was a fatal disease spread by fleas which lived on rats and humans. This plague started in Asia and traveled to Europe by rat-infested Italian ships trading goods across the Mediterranean Sea.
The Plague reached England by 1348, and by 1351 it had killed over a million people, one-third of Europe's entire population.Few who caught the Black Death ever survived. Whole towns, villages and hamlets were wiped out. A rat bite on a person's leg or arm would swell up into a painful bulging welt.
More painful welts would appear all over the person's body until the infection was so bad that the person died usually within three days.
As people died out, so did The Plague. Today this disease is not fatal if treated with antibiotics when first detected.
In 2012 there were multiple cases of the Bubonic plague found in the USA including a 7-year-old girl who contracted the plague while camping in Colorado. Lets just hope this plague never spreads again the way it did several hundred years ago.

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