Monday 17 March 2014

Oreos have been proving to be as addictive as cocaine!

This might not be news to you if you're already hooked on those delicious chocolate cookies with a creamy center. However, a team of researchers wanted to scientifically prove it.
A lab in Connecticut College ran an experiment with lab rats and they found that Oreos activate more neurons in the brain's 'pleasure center' than drugs such as cocaine.
They conclude that one reason why people have trouble staying away from sugary treats is that they are as addictive as drugs.
To do it, they had two mazes: In one, there was an option to eat Oreos or rice cakes. In the other, the option to get injected with cocaine or saline solution.
When allowed to roam freely, rats hung around the Oreo side for about as much as they would on the drug side.
If you're wondering, rats ate the cream center first, just like most humans!

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