Tuesday 18 March 2014

Superman was modeled after Moses!

The legendary Superman was created by a couple of Joe Blows; Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster who lived twelve blocks apart from each other in Cleveland. They were both Jewish and collaborated on stories for their high school paper.
In the 1930s, they gravitated towards the newly forming comic book industry as comic book publishers were actively seeking out Jews, who were excluded from most other illustration work, not to mention colleges and country clubs.
The inspiration for Superman was actually Moses. You’ll notice that they both escaped death as infants, were raised by foster parents, and went on to save the day. Siegel and Shuster got this idea in 1934 but it wasn’t until 1938 that Superman truly took to the sky.
Detective Comics Inc paid Siegel and Shuster $130 for the first thirteen pages of Superman, and put him in it's new magazine, Action Comics. Action Comics #1 came out and sold out in June of that Year. Superman had made it.

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